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Metabolic Rx Training Course

Become a Metabolic Health & Weight Loss Specialist

Be a Leader and Learn the Science and Application of Metabolic Health and Weight Loss Pairing Lifestyle, Molecules, and Biohacking Technology For Safer, Faster Clinical Outcomes That Last

Comprehensive Curriculum

Dive deep into the science of metabolic health and weight release. Learn why calories in and calories out alone don’t work and the role that circadian biology, hormones, lifestyle, molecules, and technology play in producing enhanced health and weight loss results.

Practical Application

Learn our 12-week turn-key weight release, metabolic health optimization system and how you can implement this into your practice with ease for greater revenue, referrals and results.

Multiple Learning Tools

This course is delivered in an on-demand video classroom format so you can view it 24/7 and is accompanied by slide decks and a full metabolic rx guide book for reference.

What You’ll Receive

The Human Longevity Insitute delivers the most comprehensive training and certification programs so you can help your clients and patients live better, and longer beginning today.  The Metabolic Rx training course introduces you Metabolic Health and Weight Loss. Get ready to discover how to leverage proven peptides with lifestyle, and biohacks to create powerful healing and health optimization outcomes in the body, naturally.

Online 18-hour course containing 10 lessons & 85 modules of multi-media education that can be completed in as little as 6 weeks.

We cater to a mix of learning styles and schedules. You will enjoy 24/7 access to this on-demand virtual classroom experience complete with teaching videos, downloadable slide decks, and a text course guidebook. We give you exactly what you need to implement the information right away.

A clinical understanding and deep knowledge of metabolic health and weight loss solutions that work.

It’s through the science of optimizing the molecules of metabolism to include: glucose, cortisol, insulin, leptin, ghrelin and adiponectin with simple lifestyle strategies and supportive molecules inclusive of GLP1 peptide and peptide therapy, nutraceuticals, and nutrient-dense food that you will learn how to help your clients take the weight off and keep it off.

Our turn-key 12-week weight release program.

Learn how to create your own 12-week online or in-office weight loss program or use ours to ensure immediate revenue and results to your clients.

12-month access to the Metabolic Rx Protocol and Online Course

Get certified in as little as 8 weeks and learn the exact nutrition, fitness, sleep and stress optimization tools that are used in the research-backed studies and how to apply them into your own life for transformational results to weighless and live more!

Live Training sessions

Join our live sessions to meet other students, have your clinical questions answered and to gain additional insight and training from Dr. Melissa and the HLI team.

Access to Trusted Peptide and Product Sources

Once you complete this training, you will be able to qualify to set up clinical accounts with our vetted partners to begin offering peptides and metabolic health products to your clients. You will also qualify if you are a licensed doctor to get malpractice insurance that covers the use of peptides in your practice.

Discounted Rates On Products and Labs

Once enrolled, you will immediately have access to our members-only wholesale lab vendors, peptide, supplement and pharmacy resources. We have negotiated low pricing so you can maximize your earnings.

Access to our private practitioner community

Connect, share and collaborate with fellow health practitioners to continue learning how to offer the best support and solutions to your clients.

Transform Your Practice with Metabolic Health and Weight Loss Mastery

In the rapidly expanding field of health and wellness, understanding metabolic health and weight management is crucial. The Metabolic Rx Health & Weight Loss Specialist Certificate Course offers health practitioners a comprehensive resource to become leaders in this in-demand specialty, harnessing cutting-edge strategies for effective weight loss and metabolic optimization.

Why Metabolic Health? Why Now?

With over 73% of the population seeking sustainable methods to manage weight and improve metabolic health, this field represents a multi-billion dollar industry ripe for innovation. Traditional weight loss methods are often ineffective long-term, highlighting the need for integrated, scientifically-backed approaches that address metabolic pathways, hormonal balances, and lifestyle factors holistically.

Course Highlights:

  • Advanced Metabolic Pathways: Explore the science behind weight loss from cellular signals to energy utilization beyond mere calorie counting.
  • Hormonal Insights and Lab Markers: Gain deep understanding of hormones like insulin and cortisol and their impact on weight and metabolism, equipped with practical lab evaluations.
  • Nutritional and Lifestyle Interventions: Learn about nutrient density, meal timing, and the impact of lifestyle factors such as sleep and stress on weight management.
  • Peptide and Supplement Protocols: Integrate cutting-edge peptides and supplements like GLP-1 into personalized weight loss plans for enhanced results.
  • Client-Centered Frameworks: Implement strategies that focus on the client’s individual journey, fostering greater compliance and success.

Key Takeaways:

  • Revenue Generating Model: Utilize our proven 12-week program structure to start producing significant revenue and client results promptly.
  • Clinical Protocols: Access comprehensive protocols, from intake forms to follow-up strategies, ensuring high standards of care and client satisfaction.
  • Real-World Application: Translate what you learn into direct applications with case studies and live classes that reinforce theoretical knowledge with practical experience.

Enroll in the Metabolic Rx Health & Weight Loss Specialist Certificate Course today to secure your place at the forefront of metabolic health innovation. Equip yourself with the knowledge, skills, and tools to transform your practice and elevate client health in this vital and growing field.


Dr. Melissa Petersen

Dr. Melissa Petersen is the founder of the Human Longevity Institute and a true pioneer in the field of longevity and human potential.  With over 25 years of clinical experience and industry leadership, Dr. Melissa is a TEDx speaker, best-selling author, strategic advisor clinical educator, and host of the Human Longevity Podcast. She lives her mission with a biological age 13 years younger than her chronological age, she shares the science and proven solutions with experts and enthusiasts alike on how to slow down, stop and even reverse age to live better today for more vibrant tomorrows.

Dr. Stephanie Rimka- Guest Lecturer

Is a guest lecturer and the founder of Brain Body Solutions. Dr. Rimka is board-certified in neurofeedback and offers holistic brain optimization care focusing on integrated neuro therapies to identify and address the root cause of mental illness, learning disorders, and chronic illness. She has dedicated over 30 years to learning the best practices in functional medicine from masters in their fields. Dr. Rimka offers a unique style of intuition and caring blended with a clinically based multi-therapeutic approach to solve hard-to-treat health problems.

Dr. Leonard Pastrana- Guest Lecturer

He specializes in cellular optimization medicine. He is certified by the Academy of Anti-aging in peptide therapy and is also a fellow of the Seeds Scientific Research and Performance Institute. Leonard’s mission is to help everyone optimize their mind, body, and soul. Leonard is the founder of NuBioAge Wellness Network a company designed to help other practitioners develop the protocols for their practices to optimize patient outcomes. He is also the chief formulator at NuLifeSpan a new start-up built by pharmacists with a focus on developing cutting-edge human optimization products.

Become a Certified Metabolic Health and Weight Loss Specialist

Elevate your practice with the Metabolic Rx Health & Weight Loss Specialist Certificate Course and position yourself as a leading expert in one of the most in-demand fields of healthcare. Weight management and metabolic health form a multi-billion dollar industry, with over 73% of the population seeking trusted, effective solutions for sustainable weight loss.

Why Enroll?

  • Certification: Rapidly gain a marketable credential that distinguishes you as a specialized expert in metabolic health and weight loss. Certification can be completed in just 8 weeks via our flexible, on-demand online platform.
  • Expertise in High Demand: As obesity and metabolic issues prevail, certified specialists are needed more than ever. Your expertise will help meet critical healthcare gaps, ensuring long-term client success and wellbeing.
  • Industry-Leading Knowledge: Learn how to integrate advanced peptide science, including GLP-1 and metabolic peptides, into your programs. This cutting-edge approach not only enhances outcomes but also sets you apart, attracting a steady flow of ideal clients.
  • Proven Revenue Generation: Implement our established 12-week program that’s designed to produce immediate results—increasing both client satisfaction and your practice’s profitability.

What You Will Gain:

  • Comprehensive Skills: From understanding metabolic pathways to applying the latest in hormone and peptide therapies, you’ll master all aspects of weight management and metabolic health.
  • Practical Tools: Access everything you need—program templates, intake forms, and exclusive educational content—to implement and scale your services effectively.
  • Community and Support: Join a network of professionals and gain ongoing support to refine your practice and stay ahead in the field.

Be Tomorrow’s Leader Today

Step into a leadership role in metabolic health and help shape the future of healthcare. With our Metabolic Rx course, you learn not only to lead in your field but also to do what you love. Transform your career and your clients’ lives—enroll today and start making a significant impact immediately.

Who is the Metabolic Health and Weight Loss Specialist Course For?

Embark on your journey to becoming a Metabolic Health and Weight Loss Specialist. This course is crafted for a diverse range of professionals within the health and wellness industry who are poised to make a significant impact in the burgeoning field of metabolic health. Whether you’re a medical doctor, health coach, clinician, wellness expert, or a passionate individual with a keen interest in advanced health optimization strategies, the Metabolic Rx course is tailored to elevate your professional capabilities.

Metabolic health and weight management represent a rapidly growing sector within healthcare, responding to the needs of a population where over 73% are actively seeking effective and sustainable weight loss solutions. As a certified specialist, you will tap into a multi-billion dollar industry, equipped with the knowledge and tools to offer scientifically backed weight management plans that promote long-term health benefits.

What You Will Learn:

  • Comprehensive Metabolic Understanding: Delve into the science of metabolic pathways, hormonal impacts, and nutritional strategies that transcend traditional weight loss approaches.
  • Advanced Peptide Applications: Incorporate cutting-edge peptide science including GLP-1 and metabolic peptides into your protocols, enhancing both the efficacy of weight loss programs and your competitive edge in the health market.
  • Practical and Strategic Implementation: Gain hands-on skills with our complete toolkit, from detailed program templates to client coaching guides, all designed to facilitate immediate and impactful application in your practice.

This course is ideal for practitioners looking to broaden their therapeutic scope and integrate innovative, evidence-based methods into their services. It is also perfect for individuals aiming to empower their own health or the health of others, ensuring they are well-versed in the latest advancements in metabolic health.

Engage with the Metabolic Rx Health & Weight Loss Specialist Certificate Course to transform your understanding, harness a holistic approach to weight management, and become a leader in a field that is not just growing, but essential to modern health care. Enroll now and redefine health optimization, leveraging a solid foundation in metabolic science to enhance client outcomes and achieve professional success.

Limited Special Enrollment Pricing

Use the code ENROLL10 at checkout to save 10% off the course for a limited time.

Plus, when you enroll now, you will receive access to 3 LIVE bonus classes with Dr. Melissa to help you apply what you learn into practice.





4 payments of $400


What to Expect

When you register for the course, you’ll receive login instructions to a password-protected portal with an assortment of educational materials and resources—including digital books, slide decks and instructional videos—that are yours to download or access online at any time.

  1. The program is laid out in easy step by step lesson plan that builds one on the other for a comprehensive understanding of the material.
  2. At the end of each lesson is a short quiz you will be required to pass with a 70% or higher to pass the course.
  3. The course covers the science of metabolic health inclusive of cellular and hormonal health, paired with lifestyle and molecules to deliver our 6 pillar approach to releasing weight and optimizing metabolic health through weight lossfor age reversal and thriving.
  4. In order to graduate, you’ll have to complete all lessons and pass each quiz
  5. When you graduate, you’ll have the opportunity to join our practitioner Directory, be eligible for liability insurance based on licensure.

Course Outline

Lesson 1:Introduction to Metabolic Health and Weight Loss

Welcome to the first phase of your journey towards becoming a certified Metabolic Health and Weight Loss Specialist. This introductory module is designed to set the foundation for your comprehensive understanding and effective application of metabolic health principles in weight management. Here’s what’s included:

Welcome: An orientation session that outlines the course structure and your path to certification.
WL Client Journey: Explore the typical journey of a weight loss client from initial consultation through to successful outcomes, providing a blueprint to guide your client interactions.

Weight Loss and Mindset: Address the psychological aspects of weight loss, emphasizing the critical role of mindset in the successful adoption and maintenance of health behaviors.

Live Class and Course Calendar: Sync with the course schedule through live classes that reinforce learning and application, detailed in an easy-to-follow calendar.

Your Course Guidebook and Resource Kit: Receive a comprehensive guidebook and resource kit that includes tools, templates, and resources to support and enhance your learning experience and clinical practice.

Lesson 2: Understanding Metabolic Health

Dive into the complexities of metabolic health in this essential module of the Metabolic Rx Health & Weight Loss Specialist Certificate Course. This section is crafted to enhance your foundational knowledge and enable you to address metabolic issues with precision and effectiveness. Here’s what this module covers:

Our Current Health Reality: Examine the prevailing health challenges that underscore the need for a robust understanding of metabolic health in clinical practice.

Understanding Metabolism: Unpack the fundamentals of metabolism—how the body converts food into energy, and the critical roles this process plays in overall health.

Metabolic Pathways and Regulators: Explore key metabolic pathways and their regulators, and understand how to manipulate these pathways for optimized health outcomes.

Clinical Consideration: Gain insights into the clinical implications of metabolic health, enhancing your ability to diagnose and manage metabolic disorders effectively.

Metabolic Demands and Energy Utilization: Learn how varying metabolic demands impact energy utilization, and how to apply this knowledge to support weight management and metabolic optimization.

Lesson Slides: Access detailed slides that break down complex concepts into understandable segments, enriching your learning experience.

Lesson Quiz: Test your knowledge with a quiz designed to reinforce the material covered and ensure your understanding is both thorough and applicable.

Lesson 3: Clinical Weight Loss Process

This comprehensive module within the Metabolic Rx Health & Weight Loss Specialist Certificate Course focuses on the practical aspects of initiating and managing a clinical weight loss process. Tailored for healthcare providers, this section equips you with the tools and knowledge to effectively attract, consult, and retain clients seeking weight loss solutions. Here’s what’s included:

Clinical Overview: Establish a solid foundation with an overview of the clinical weight loss process, setting the stage for detailed explorations.

WL New Client Attraction: Learn strategies to attract new clients, understanding the market dynamics and client motivations that bring them to your practice.

WL New Client Consultation: Dive into the consultation process, learning how to conduct effective and empathetic initial meetings that set the tone for successful weight loss journeys.

WL New Client Intake Paperwork: Familiarize yourself with the necessary intake forms that streamline client information gathering, ensuring a smooth administrative process.

WL New Client Exam & Plan: Understand how to conduct comprehensive exams and create personalized plans that address individual weight loss goals and metabolic needs.

WL Client Tracking Forms: Implement tracking forms that allow for ongoing assessment and adjustments, ensuring clients remain on the path to success.

WL Labs Metabolic, Hormones, Inflammation, Immune: Get detailed knowledge on the types of lab tests necessary for a thorough understanding of a client’s metabolic health, hormonal balance, inflammatory status, and immune function.

Lesson Slides: Access a set of detailed slides that provide visual and textual information to aid in the learning and application of each section.

New Client Paperwork: Utilize ready-to-use templates and forms specifically designed for new client engagements to ensure comprehensive documentation and effective follow-up.

Lesson 4: Hormones and Weight Loss

Explore the integral role of hormones in weight management with this focused module in the Metabolic Rx Health & Weight Loss Specialist Certificate Course. Understanding the hormonal influences on weight loss provides a critical edge in crafting effective, individualized weight management plans. This section covers:

Understanding Hormones: Dive into the basics of hormonal functions and their profound impacts on metabolism and weight loss, setting the stage for more detailed discussions.

Cortisol Regulation: Learn about the stress hormone cortisol, its effects on weight, and strategies for regulating cortisol levels to enhance metabolic health.

Glucose and Insulin Sensitivity: Examine the relationship between blood sugar levels and insulin, and their critical roles in weight management. Understand how to improve insulin sensitivity to aid weight loss.

Ghrelin, Leptin, and Adiponectin: Unpack the functions of these hormones—ghrelin (the hunger hormone), leptin (the satiety hormone), and adiponectin (involved in fat burning) and their balancing act that regulates appetite and metabolism.

Thyroid and Melatonin: Discuss the thyroid’s role in metabolic rate and how melatonin impacts circadian rhythms and metabolic functions.

Signals and Timing: Investigate how hormonal signals are timed throughout the body’s circadian rhythm and their implications for optimizing weight loss efforts.

Lesson Slides: Access a set of detailed slides that provide visual and textual information to aid in the learning and application of each section.

Lesson Quiz: Test your knowledge with a quiz designed to reinforce the material covered and ensure your understanding is both thorough and applicable.

Lesson 5: Nutrition and Weight Loss

This critical module in the Metabolic Rx Health & Weight Loss Specialist Certificate Course delves into the nutritional foundations essential for effective weight management. It covers a range of topics from the basic biochemical processes to advanced dietary interventions. Here’s what participants will explore:

Digestion and Weight: Understand how digestion impacts weight management, and how optimizing gastrointestinal function can enhance weight loss outcomes.
Food is Information: Learn about the signaling effects of food and how different types can instruct or disrupt metabolic processes.

Macro Nutrients: Study the roles and impacts of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates on weight loss, including how to balance them to meet individual metabolic needs.

Blood Sugar Stabilization: Explore strategies for maintaining stable blood glucose levels, which is crucial for effective weight management and overall metabolic health.

Inflammation and Intolerances: Identify how food-related inflammation and intolerances can affect weight and how to adjust diets to mitigate these issues.

Bioactive Compounds: Gain insights into bioactive compounds in foods that can promote health beyond basic nutrition, influencing weight loss, metabolism, and disease prevention.

Conventionally Grown vs Organic: Discuss the differences between conventional and organic foods, including their health impacts and relevance to weight loss.

Timing and Intermittent Fasting: Examine how the timing of meals and the practice of intermittent fasting influence metabolic processes and weight management.

Timing of Food and Metabolic Impact: Learn about the metabolic consequences of meal timing and how to leverage this for optimal weight loss results.

Nutrition Wrap Up: Review and consolidate the nutritional knowledge gained, emphasizing practical applications and strategies for integrating this information into client diets effectively.
Lesson Slides: Utilize a detailed set of slides that provide visual and textual breakdowns of the complex nutritional concepts discussed, facilitating easier understanding and application.
Lesson 5 Quiz: Test your knowledge and understanding of the nutritional principles discussed with a comprehensive quiz designed to reinforce learning and ensure mastery of the material.

Lesson 6: Movement and Weight Loss

This module within the Metabolic Rx Health & Weight Loss Specialist Certificate Course highlights the essential relationship between physical activity and effective weight management. Designed to integrate seamlessly into weight loss programs, this section provides practical insights into optimizing movement for maximum fat loss and metabolic health enhancement. Here’s what is covered:

Movement and Weight Loss: Explore the fundamental principles that connect physical activity with weight loss, emphasizing the importance of movement in enhancing metabolic rate and optimizing fat burning.
Movement Awareness: Develop a deeper understanding of how different types of movement affect the body, and learn to create awareness among clients about incorporating more activity into their daily lives.

NEAT (Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis): Delve into NEAT and its significant role in daily calorie expenditure. Learn strategies to increase NEAT for better weight management outcomes.

Zone 2 and HIIE (High-Intensity Interval Exercise): Examine two specific types of exercise regimens—Zone 2 (moderate-intensity steady-state) and HIIE—and their benefits in metabolic conditioning and fat loss.

Putting it Together: Learn how to effectively combine various forms of physical activity to design balanced exercise programs that cater to individual client needs and goals, enhancing both immediate results and long-term maintenance.

Lesson Slides: Access a set of detailed slides that provide visual and textual information to aid in the understanding and application of movement strategies in weight loss.
Lesson Quiz: Test your knowledge with a quiz designed to reinforce the material covered, ensuring you are well-prepared to integrate these movement strategies into your practice.

Lesson 7: Stress and Weight Loss

In this module of the Metabolic Rx Health & Weight Loss Specialist Certificate Course, delve into the critical connection between stress management and effective weight loss. Understanding and mitigating stress is essential for optimizing metabolic health and achieving sustainable weight management goals. This section includes:

Understanding Stress: Introduce the physiological and psychological aspects of stress and its direct and indirect effects on weight gain and metabolic health.

Cortisol and Clocks: Explore the relationship between cortisol (the stress hormone) and the body’s circadian rhythms, and their combined impact on weight and overall health.

Recovery for WL: Learn about the importance of recovery in weight loss efforts, including strategies to enhance physical and mental recuperation, crucial for resetting metabolic balance.

Assessing Stress: Gain tools and methodologies for evaluating stress levels in clients, a necessary step in tailoring effective stress reduction and weight loss strategies.

Trauma Healing & WL: Address the complex interaction between emotional trauma and weight, and how healing trauma can significantly aid in weight loss and metabolic regulation.

Stress Reset Tools: Discover a variety of practical tools and techniques for stress reduction that can be incorporated into daily routines to improve outcomes in weight management programs.

Optimize Over Time: Understand how to adjust and refine stress management techniques over time to meet evolving client needs and enhance long-term weight loss success.

Lesson Slides: Access comprehensive slides that detail each topic within the module, providing a clear visual and textual representation to support your learning process.

Lesson Quiz: Test your understanding of the connections between stress and weight loss with a quiz designed to consolidate your knowledge and ensure readiness to apply these concepts in clinical settings.

Lesson 8: Sleep and Weight Loss

This focused module from the Metabolic Rx Health & Weight Loss Specialist Certificate Course examines the pivotal role of sleep in effective weight management. Understanding the interconnections between sleep and weight loss is critical for developing comprehensive wellness programs that foster long-term health. Here’s what this module covers:

Understanding Sleep: An introduction to the fundamentals of sleep science and its importance in overall health and metabolic regulation.
Sleep-Wake Cycle: Explore the dynamics of the circadian rhythm, how it influences metabolism, and its impact on weight loss efforts.
Sleep and WL Research: Delve into recent research that links sleep quality and duration with weight loss success, highlighting why good sleep habits are essential for optimal weight management.
Sleep Optimization: Learn strategies for improving sleep quality, including environmental adjustments, sleep hygiene practices, and behavioral interventions.
Shift Workers: Address the unique challenges faced by shift workers, providing tailored strategies to mitigate the adverse effects of irregular sleep patterns on weight.

Lesson Slides: Utilize a detailed set of slides that provide visual and textual explanations of the concepts discussed, enhancing understanding and facilitation of the learning material.

Lesson Quiz: Test your knowledge and grasp of the sleep-related content with a quiz designed to reinforce the key concepts and ensure a comprehensive understanding of how sleep affects weight management.

Lesson 9: Supplements and Peptides

This detailed module from the Metabolic Rx Health & Weight Loss Specialist Certificate Course is designed to enrich your understanding and application of supplements and peptides in managing weight loss effectively. This comprehensive section provides insights into various biomolecular agents and their roles in enhancing weight management strategies. Here’s what the module includes:

Intro to WL Molecules: Familiarize yourself with key molecules that play a role in weight loss, setting the foundation for deeper exploration into specific supplements and peptides.

Nutrients for WL: Discover essential nutrients that support weight loss, including how they interact with the body’s metabolic processes.

Blood Sugar & Insulin Stabilization for WL: Learn about supplements that aid in stabilizing blood sugar levels and improving insulin sensitivity, crucial for effective weight management.
Cortisol and Thyroid for WL: Examine how certain supplements can regulate cortisol and thyroid function, impacting overall weight loss outcomes.
Satiety Molecules for WL: Explore molecules that enhance satiety, helping to reduce appetite and calorie intake as part of a weight loss program.

Sleep Support for WL: Investigate supplements that promote better sleep quality, understanding their indirect role in weight management.

Understanding Metabolic Solutions with Dr. Pastrana: Gain expert insights from Dr. Pastrana on integrating metabolic solutions into weight loss strategies.

GLP-1 Semaglutide with Dr. Pastrana: Discuss the application and benefits of Semaglutide, a GLP-1 receptor agonist, in weight management.

GLP-1 Tirazepatide with Dr. Pastrana: Learn about Tirazepatide’s role in weight loss, combining the actions of GLP-1 and GIP for enhanced efficacy.

Low Dose Leucine with Dr. Pastrana: Examine the benefits of low dose Leucine in modulating insulin signaling and its implications for weight loss.

Cholesterol and WL with Dr. Pastrana: Explore the relationship between cholesterol management and weight loss, and how specific interventions can optimize both.

All Supplement Protocols with Dr. Melissa: Access a curated collection of supplement protocols by Dr. Melissa, tailored for weight loss and metabolic health.

Protocols with Dr. Pastrana: Review comprehensive protocols developed by Dr. Pastrana for implementing these supplements and peptides effectively.

Lesson Slides: Utilize a detailed slide deck that consolidates all the learning materials, facilitating easy review and reference.

Lesson 10: Creating Your Weight Loss Program

This practical module from the Metabolic Rx Health & Weight Loss Specialist Certificate Course is specifically designed to guide you through the development and implementation of a successful weight loss program. Tailored for health practitioners, this section provides all the necessary tools and strategies to create, market, and deliver a comprehensive 12-week weight loss program. Here’s what the module covers:

Building Your 12-Week Program: Learn the step-by-step process to design a structured and effective 12-week weight loss plan that incorporates dietary, behavioral, and physical components.
Price and Sell Your Program: Master the techniques for pricing your program competitively and marketing it effectively to attract and retain clients.
Deliver Your Program: Gain insights into the best practices for delivering your program, including session structures, client engagement techniques, and troubleshooting common challenges.

Products and Protocols: Explore recommended products and clinical protocols that can enhance the effectiveness of your weight loss program, ensuring clients achieve the best results.

Resources: Access a wealth of resources including templates, tools, and checklists that streamline the program creation and delivery process.

Lesson Slide Deck: Utilize a comprehensive slide deck that summarizes key points from the module, perfect for quick reviews and reference during program setup and execution.

Practitioner Program Implementation Guide: Receive a detailed guide that walks you through each stage of program implementation, from initial client consultation to post-program follow-up.

What Our Grads are Saying

"Enrolling in the Metabolic Rx course has significantly transformed my practice. The comprehensive understanding of metabolic health it offers has allowed me to integrate science-backed weight loss strategies that are tailor-made for my patients. The modules on hormonal balance and personalized nutrition have been particularly helpful in holistically connecting the dots for real world application with patients. I highly recommend this course to any medical professional seeking to enhance their service offerings and client satisfaction."

Dr. Helen Mirren, MDGeneral Practitioner

"The Metabolic Rx Health & Weight Loss Specialist course has been a game-changer for my coaching business. The detailed curriculum on supplements and peptides, along with the practical tools provided for program implementation, have not only boosted my confidence but also my clients' outcomes. My programs now consistently deliver more predictable and sustained results. This certification is really allowing me to set myself apart and bring more to my clients. They love it and so do I."

Jake BrownHealth Coach and Fitness Specialist

"I took the Metabolic Rx course to deepen my understanding of how different bodily systems are interconnected with metabolism and weight loss. The lessons on food timing and intermittent fasting were enlightening and have greatly enriched the nutritional plans I develop for my clients. The ability to apply these concepts in real-world scenarios has been invaluable. This course is essential for any health professional dedicated to providing holistic and effective weight management solutions."

Carlos RamirezNutrition Coach

"The depth of knowledge this course offers in the hormone and weight loss modules is unparalleled. It has equipped me with the tools to better understand and treat metabolic dysfunctions in a targeted way. The module on GLP-1 and other peptides was particularly enlightening, allowing me to refine my approach to obesity management. I would highly recommend the Metabolic Rx course to any endocrinologist or healthcare provider focused on metabolic health."

Sophia TranNurse Practitioner

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this course designed for?

This course is ideal for doctors, coaches, clinicians, health or wellness experts, biohackers, and any individual seeking a deeper understanding of peptide therapy. Whether you’re looking to enhance client care or explore health optimization strategies for personal knowledge, this course offers valuable insights and practical applications.

What does the course include?

The course provides 24/7 on-demand access to comprehensive clinical training on metabolic health and weight loss, plus a turn key program design and how to implement it into your own practice, business and marketing training, access to vetted peptide and supplement partners, wholesale lab access, a private peer community and access to 3 live classes to cover clinical, coaching, business and marketing Q & A. Upon completing the course, participants will receive a specialist certificate.

How is the course structured?

Participants can go at their own pace, making it easy to fit the course into busy schedules. The on-demand content is complemented by live Zoom sessions, offering a blend of self-guided learning and interactive support.

Is there any support available during the course?

Yes, we offer comprehensive support throughout the course. Our team is available by email and there are 2 live Zoom classes focusing on clinical and business guidance, education, and support. Additionally, participants have lifetime access to the course materials, allowing for ongoing reference and learning.

What if I'm not satisfied with the course?

We stand behind the quality of our course with a 30-day money-back guarantee. If you’re not satisfied for any reason, simply request a refund within 30 days of purchase.

Can this course help me grow my practice or wellness business?

Absolutely. Weight Loss is most sought out solution and since it is not covered by insurance, this can give you a cash revenue center in your existing practice model or a new stand alone business solution. The live Zoom classes are particularly valuable for gaining insights on how to expand your practice or business.

How do I get started?

Getting started is easy. Simply enroll in the course through our website. Once enrolled, you’ll have immediate access to start your journey toward becoming a Metabolic Health and Weight Loss specialist at your own pace, with all the resources and support you need.  For any questions, please email our team at [email protected]

Elevate Your Career

Become a specialist in metabolic health and weight loss by enrolling into the Metabolic Rx course today.