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Early Bird Enrollment for FALL 2023 Is Open

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Why Choose the Precision Longevity Coach Certification?

Longevity is the fastest-growing niche of specialty in the health and wellness industry.

Our program is the only all-in-one business, clinical, and coaching care delivery model that will give you all of the tools you need to change lives, make a difference, and be successful doing what you love!

You will gain a deeper understanding of the science of longevity, the impact it has on healing, health, and the ability to optimize wellbeing.

Experience the confidence that comes with knowing how to immediately apply your expertise as a coach to support transformative results for yourself and your clients.

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Make a Lasting Positive Impact Helping People Live Longer, Healthier & Happier Lives.

Learn the Science, Systems & Evidence-Based Longevity Solutions & Get Certified In 4 Months. 

Who Should Get The Precision Longevity Coach Certification?

Whether you have been in clinical practice for years or are just getting started as a coach, the Precision Longevity Coaching Certification will give you everything you need to make lasting changes in the health and lives of the clients you support.

Integrative Physicians & Doctors

And Physician Assistants, & Nurse Practitioners


And Physical Therapists, Healers, Health & Wellness Coaches


And Registered Dietitians & Nutritionists

Fitness Coaches

And Personal Trainers, Fitness & Yoga Instructors

Health & Fitness Enthusiasts

Seeking a Path to Health Optimization

Course Highlights Include

Dr. Melissa Delivers! This program is a complete clinical and coaching system that can fit into any health care environment from fitness centers to doctors offices.

Dr. K Greene

This is the future of health. By implementing what I learned, I was able to increase my income by over 38% in less than 90 days. The research backed strategies and interventions are so easy for my clients to follow. Change just got easy.

Lisa Zeller- Health Coach

The business section alone gave me the framework I needed to move from insurance to a cash pay model that is allowing me to help more people and earn more.

Dr Dena K

I enrolled to learn how I could better optimize my own health and support my doctors office clients. I physically have even more energy plus new protocols for my clients and their patients supporting better outcomes and new income streams.

John S- Entrepreneur

Start Your Precision Longevity Training Today

Begin Helping Your Clients Live Longer, Healthier and Happier Lives When You Certify In Only 4 Months

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Join The Future- Lead the Way to Longevity Living

Hi, and Welcome- I’m Dr. Melissa Petersen, the founder of the Human Longevity Institute.

We are sitting at an exciting time in human history. We are living longer, yet many would say, not better. But what if I were to tell you there is a new path forward?

The science is clear, we don’t have to settle for a life of sickness and disease. We CAN compress the morbidity window, slow down and even reverse the biological aging process. We can now live more years free from sickness, and disease expressing greater health, vitality and wellbeing through applying the science and solutions of precision longevity.

Life in the 2020s has more people than ever seeking a new path to expressing health and happiness. People want solutions not another pill for an ill, this is where YOU can lead the way.

Several years ago, I launched the Longevity Summit and wrote the best-selling book, The Codes of Longevity. That’s when I found the desire from the consumer to learn what was possible in living longer and better was tremendous. I also discovered there is a huge gap in the longevity marketplace between consumer desire and clinical solutions.

This is why I’m excited and honored to bring to you the Precision Longevity Certification Program. The first complete, complex systems clinical and coaching training that delivers research-backed age reversal protocols and solutions that will allow you to help more clients heal, thrive and live a long life optimized!

Become a part of this in-demand specialty today. Stand out as a leader in your community to set the path that will transform the health and lives of those you serve.

Together we can positively impact the lives of millions of people globally to more fully flourish and thrive by design to 120 and beyond. I invite you to become a part of the longevity living movement, request an application to get certified as together we help people live longer, healthier and more fulfilling lives.

The 5 Part Longevity Training Course

Access your FREE 5-part precision longevity course for health and wellness professionals. You will get all sessions plus a clinical coaching guidebook complete with intake forms, assessments, 18 biomarker exams, consents and much more.  You’ll also secure your invitation for special pricing and bonuses to the Precision Longevity Coach Certification Program

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Become a Precision Longevity Coach

help your clients to unlock their health potential to heal, thrive and live life optimized to 120 and beyond! 

Enroll Today