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Age Backwards to THRIVE Forward

REWIND- the Ultimate 12 Week Longevity Program

Get Ready To Age Backwards as You THRIVE Forward with REWIND the Ultimate 12 Week Longevity Program

Now Is Your Time To Harness Your Longevity Potential with REWIND.

In Only 12 Weeks, You Can Enjoy Greater States of Pure Energy, Enhanced Vitality, Peak Performance, More Meaning, Connection and Joy as You Reverse Age Up to 33%

What is Rewind?

Rewind is 12-week digital on-demand course designed to guide you on a transformative journey towards reversing biological aging and unlocking your highest potential. Accompanied by the best-selling book Codes of Longevity, this is more than just a course; it’s your pathway to a life lived with greater vitality, strength, and confidence.

Through engaging modules and expert guidance, you’ll dive deep into the latest longevity sciences, explore personalized lifestyle optimizations, and harness the power of longevity molecules and biohacking therapies. Each step is tailored to your unique biology, helping you take control of your aging process.

Engage & Grow

Engage with the on demand lessons and grow through the support of our coaches and community.

Whether you're just beginning to explore the possibilities of longevity or are ready to take your health to the next level, Rewind is designed to meet you where you are and help you get where you want to be supporting you to stay on track and inspired.

Your Path to Biological Age Reversal

The course curriculum is structured to offer a comprehensive, step-by-step approach to understanding and reversing the aging process for enhanced healing, health and thriving at any age.

Here’s what you can expect:

Foundations of Longevity Science

Begin your journey to longevity with a personalized blueprint designed to guide you through your transformation.

This module will set the foundation for your success by helping you discover what’s possible for your health and vitality. You’ll learn about the three essential components necessary for transformation, set a compelling vision for your longevity journey, and complete comprehensive health and longevity questionnaires. These assessments, combined with functional biomarker evaluations, will provide you with a clear understanding of where you are and where you need to go. The module culminates in a live Longevity Labs session, where you can clarify any questions and refine your blueprint for optimal health.

Begin your journey by understanding the core principles of longevity science. Explore the latest research on why we age, the key biological processes involved, and the science behind slowing down and even reversing the aging process.

Longevity Assessments

Your Personalized Health Blueprint

Explore the interconnected systems that govern your health and longevity.

This module introduces you to a systems-based approach to optimizing your health, focusing on how different bodily systems work together to promote longevity. You’ll gain insights into supporting these systems with targeted strategies and learn to create a personalized system support plan. The module includes a masterclass on the systems of longevity and a bonus class with Dr. Sandra Kaufman, providing expert guidance on how to optimize each system for a longer, healthier life.

Unlock the mind’s potential to influence aging. Learn how your perceptions, beliefs, and mental habits can accelerate or decelerate your biological age. This module includes techniques to cultivate a longevity-focused mindset.

Mindset for Longevity

The Power of Perception

Unlock the potential of your brain to support a long and vibrant life.

In this module, you’ll delve into the science of the longevity brain, learning how cognitive function, perception, and mental potential influence aging. The Longevity Brain Masterclass will provide you with cutting-edge insights into maintaining and enhancing brain health, while additional lessons focus on shifting your perception of aging and harnessing your brain’s potential for longevity. A live Q&A session ensures that you have the opportunity to deepen your understanding and apply these concepts to your life.

Discover your unique biological and lifestyle markers that influence your aging process. This module provides comprehensive assessments to create a personalized longevity plan tailored to your specific needs.

Cellular Health

Detox to Revense Inflammaging

Chronic inflammation, or inflammaging, is a key driver of aging.

In this module, you’ll learn how to combat this silent enemy through a targeted 10-day cleanse designed to reduce inflammation and boost immune health. You’ll explore why cleansing is vital for longevity and gain practical insights into getting the most out of your cleanse. This module also includes a bonus masterclass on inflammaging and immune health, providing a deeper understanding of the relationship between inflammation and aging. Weekly Q&A sessions offer ongoing support as you navigate this crucial phase of your longevity journey.

Dive into the world of cellular health, focusing on detoxification and cellular regeneration. Learn how to remove toxic burdens, optimize your body’s natural detox pathways, and rejuvenate your cells for better energy and vitality.

Nutrition for Longevity

Nutrition is the cornerstone of a long and healthy life.

This module guides you through the essentials of nutrition for longevity, starting with a deep dive into gut health and its impact on aging. You’ll learn how to personalize your diet based on your unique needs, understand the role of macronutrients and blood sugar management, and discover the power of bioactive nutrients. The module culminates in the creation of a personalized nutritional plan, complete with recipe guides to support your journey. By the end of this module, you’ll have the knowledge and tools to nourish your body in a way that supports long-term health and vitality.

Explore the role of nutrition in longevity. This module covers personalized dietary strategies, essential nutrients, and bioactive compounds that nourish your body and extend healthspan. Learn how to fuel your body for longevity with practical meal plans and recipes.

Optimizing Your Physical Body

Strength, Balance, and Flexibility

Maintaining physical fitness is essential for longevity.

This module focuses on developing a fitness plan that enhances your strength, balance, flexibility, and speed—all key components of a youthful and resilient body. You’ll start with assessments to determine your current fitness levels in grip strength, balance, and leg strength, then build personalized strategies to improve in these areas. The module includes detailed workouts and resource guides, helping you integrate fitness into your daily routine. By the end of this module, you’ll have a well-rounded fitness plan that supports long-term mobility, strength, and vitality.

Physical health is a cornerstone of longevity. This module focuses on exercises and practices that enhance strength, balance, flexibility, and mobility. Discover assessments and personalized fitness plans to keep your body youthful and strong.

Stress Resilience and Emotional Well-Being

Stress is a major factor in aging, but it doesn’t have to be.

This module teaches you how to transform stress from a harmful force into a tool for longevity. You’ll begin by understanding the different types of stress and their roles in the aging process. From there, you’ll explore techniques for transforming stress, including vagal toning practices, breathwork, and tapping. This module is packed with practical tools and exercises that allow you to manage stress effectively, change your physiological response, and ultimately, enhance your longevity. A bonus class on circadian clocks ties in how aligning your stress management with your body’s natural rhythms can further support a longer, healthier life.

Stress is a significant driver of aging. Learn how to manage and mitigate stress through scientifically-backed practices like mindfulness, meditation, breathwork, and emotional regulation techniques. Enhance your emotional well-being to support a long and healthy life.

Sleep Optimization for Longevity

Sleep is one of the most powerful tools for reversing the aging process.

In this comprehensive module, you’ll learn about the critical role sleep plays in longevity. You’ll explore the epigenetics of sleep, how clock genes influence your sleep-wake cycle, and the relationship between light exposure and sleep quality. The module also covers the impact of hormones and neurotransmitters on sleep, identifies common sleep disruptors, and provides practical dietary advice for enhancing sleep. You’ll design a personalized sleep plan that supports deep, restorative sleep, crucial for long-term health and well-being.

Quality sleep is essential for aging well. This module teaches you how to optimize your sleep environment, routines, and habits to improve sleep quality. Understand the link between sleep, circadian rhythms, and longevity, and develop a personalized sleep plan.

Environmental Mastery:

Designing a Longevity-Friendly Space

Your environment has a profound impact on your health and longevity.

This module teaches you how to design a space that supports your long-term health goals. You’ll start by assessing your current environment and identifying areas for improvement. From air quality to lighting, you’ll learn how to optimize your surroundings to reduce exposure to toxins and create a space that promotes relaxation, recovery, and well-being. This module includes a live class and Q&A session to help you apply these principles to your home and work environments, ensuring that your surroundings are aligned with your longevity goals.

Your environment plays a crucial role in your health. Learn how to design a home and work environment that supports longevity. This module covers light exposure, air quality, noise reduction, and toxin management, ensuring your surroundings enhance your health.

Advanced Longevity Molecules and Therapies

Take your longevity journey to the next level with advanced strategies that include cutting-edge therapies and technologies.

This module provides an overview of the latest options in immune support, hormone therapy, and peptide therapy, offering detailed insights into how these can be used to support a longer, healthier life. You’ll also explore the role of supplements and biohacking technologies in optimizing your health. The module includes a live masterclass where you’ll have the opportunity to learn from experts and ask questions about how to implement these advanced strategies into your personalized longevity plan.

Delve into the cutting-edge world of longevity molecules and biohacking therapies. Explore peptides, hormones, supplements, and technologies like red light therapy and PEMF that can be integrated into your personalized longevity strategy.

Wellspan: The Longevity Effect of Love, Connection, & Purpose

Love and connection are often overlooked aspects of longevity, but they are essential for living a full and vibrant life.

This module explores the profound impact that love, relationships, and self-acceptance have on your health and lifespan. You’ll learn how to cultivate a positive perception of love, beginning with self-love and extending to others. The module also introduces powerful practices like forgiveness, radical self-acceptance, and Ho’oponopono, a Hawaiian healing technique. A live masterclass will deepen your understanding and provide practical ways to integrate these concepts into your life, enhancing both your emotional and physical well-being.

Social connections and a sense of purpose are vital for long-term health. This module explores how relationships, community, and purpose-driven living contribute to longevity. Learn how to cultivate deeper connections and align with your purpose for a more fulfilling life.

Creating Your Longevity Lifestyle:

Integration and Implementation

In this culminating section, you’ll bring together all the knowledge, insights, and strategies from the entire course to create your personalized Longevity Living Blueprint.

This blueprint will serve as your comprehensive guide to optimized living, integrating the core elements of longevity science, lifestyle practices, advanced therapies, and emotional well-being. By the end of this section, you’ll have a clear, actionable plan tailored to your unique needs and goals, empowering you to live a life of vitality, strength, and longevity every day. This is where your transformation takes shape, setting the stage for a longer, healthier, and more fulfilling life.

The final module ties everything together, helping you create a sustainable longevity lifestyle. Develop a comprehensive, personalized plan that integrates all aspects of the course. Learn strategies for maintaining your progress and continuously evolving your longevity journey.

ENROLL TODAY + 4 Live Clinical & Coaching Group Sessions + The Longevity Masterclass Series Valued at $2,500 for only $1,200

This 12-week program is your complete guide to living longer and better. Through a combination of cutting-edge science, personalized assessments, and actionable strategies, you’ll gain the tools and knowledge to take control of your aging process. Each module builds on the last, ensuring you emerge with a comprehensive, integrated longevity plan that you can implement for life. Whether you’re just starting your longevity journey or looking to deepen your expertise, this program provides everything you need to thrive today and in the decades to come.